in the first line of constructor
anywhere in a subclass method.
Employee[] employees = new Employee[3];
employees[0] = new Employee();
employees[1] = new HourlyEmployee();
employees[2] = new SalariedEmployee();
for (int i=0; i < employees.length; i++) {
System.out.println("The employee is " + employees[i].getName() +
" and their pay is " + employees[i].calcPaycheck());
public abstract class Employee {
public abstract double calcPaycheck();
Must define method in the subclass. Can no longer create an Employee object; can only create a subclass.
so that one can't override a method in the subclass.
operator can be used to check what type of object you have. For example, if you need to
cast an object. Should be used sparingly. Don't use as a way to implement different behavior, i.e. to bypass polymorphism.
Inheritance, "Is a" relationship (extends keyword)
superclass (or base or parent class) subclass (or derived or child class) super() Object class Polymorphism dynamic binding (dynamic method look-up) |
Abstract (vs concrete) class Interfaces (implements keyword) protected access / package access inheritance hierarchy overriding methods (e.g. equals) (not to be confused with overloading) instanceof operator comparable interface |