Lab 12: Final Project
CS141: Introduction to Programming,
Fall 2011
Due Date: see instructions below
Summary of Goals
- Create a program (Database of Game) with multiple classes and objects.
Follow the instructions for either the
Zombie Game or a
Database (instructions, sample files).
- File I/O: In either case, you will need to read data from a file. To see how to read
from a file, take a look at this example which reads Five-letter Words from a file:
Alternatively, look at the FileIO class for the simple Animal Database.
If you want more details, read Chapter 8.
Assignments to do (or complete) on your own
Due on Wednesday, Nov 23:
- Part 1 of Classes & Objects Programming Assignment (Database or
- Database: See the instructions for what to turn on on Nov 23.
- Game:
- Carefully read through the entire instructions so that you are clear on how to play the game and you are clear
about the class structure.
- Try to do as much of Phase One as you can: Reading and printing the board.
- See the example code above for how to read from a file.
- Create a "data file" containing the board layout as shown in the Phase One.
- Read the data file one line at a time (as a String) and create a 2D char array. (Once you create the Piece classes
you will convert your char array to a 2D Piece array, but one thing at a time).
- Download the class (see link in "Printing out board section") and add this to the folder containing
your other classes. You do not need to modify this class. In class, we will go over how to use it. Once, you
create a TextFrame, print the board (e.g. the 2D char array) to the TextFrame object. To get started, take a look
Due on Wednesday, Nov 30 (technews is postponed until Wed so we have time to work on the lab assignment in class on Monday):
Due on Friday, Dec 2:
- Part 2 of Classes & Objects Programming Assignment (Database or
Final Deliverables - Due on Friday, Dec 9:
- If you are working on the Database, read the instructions
to see what you need to turn in. Specifically:
- The code with Javadoc comments.
- The generated Javadoc API
- The design (updated from the Nov 23 version)
- Sample output.
- Sample data files that can be read/written by the program.
- If you are working on the Zombie Game, look at the requirements given in
Zombie Game.
You need to turn in
- The code with Javadoc comments.
- The generated Javadoc API
- The design if it is much different from what is on the webpage
- One or more sample text files for the board (that is read in by your program)
- Regardless of which you are working on, you will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Does your code runs correctly? Did you follow the directions given.
- Is the output clean and understandable?
- Is your code well designed?
- Is your code organized, clean, well commented, and readable?
- Zip together the sample data file and all of your .java files into a single .zip file. Submit this zip file as an attachment.
- Please make sure that you also sign up to demonstrate the project to the instructor.
There will be a sign-up sheet in class.
The demonstration is a required part of the assignment.
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