Lab 7: Methods
CS141: Introduction to Programming,
Fall 2011
Due Date: see instructions below
Summary of Goals
- Learn how to use methods to structure code and improve code efficiency.
During Lab this week, we will:
- Work on code completion WileyPlus assignment, called Chp 5 Programming (Complete on own by Monday, Oct 24, at 11pm)
- If not completed during class, continue to work on the in-class Methods problems (not to be turned in).
- LightBot Programming Problem (stay tuned)
Submit via WISE (see details below)
Assignments to do (or complete) on your own
These are due on Monday, Oct 17:
- TechNews before class: the assignment description
and the link to Technews
- Turn in "Singing the Bingo Song" via WISE by 11pm. Submit the code as an attachment. Run the code twice using different names and paste the EXACT DrJava output into the text area.
Due on Monday, Oct 24:
DATE CHANGE: Due on Wednesday, Oct 26:
- Wiley Chp 5 Programming (11pm)
- LightBot Programming assignment. Submit via WISE. Add the code as
an attachment and paste into the text area one output for level 7 and one for level 8.
[top] [Schedule]