Lab 8: Methods (cont)
CS141: Introduction to Programming,
Fall 2011
Due Date: see instructions below
Summary of Goals
- Continue to practice using and understanding methods.
During Lab this week, we will:
- Continue to work on code completion WileyPlus assignment, called Chp 5 Programming (Complete on own by Wednesday, Oct 26, at 11pm)
- If not completed during class, continue to work on the in-class Methods problems (not to be turned in).
- Continue to work on LightBot Programming Problem
Submit via WISE (see details below)
- (Complete on own by Wednesday, Oct 26, at 11pm)
- Starting on Tue in lab, work on new assignment: Program a dice-rolling game.
The skeleton code can be downloaded here.
Assignments to do (or complete) on your own
This is due on Monday, Oct 24:
Due on Wednesday, Oct 26:
- Wiley Chp 5 Programming (11pm)
- LightBot Programming assignment. Submit via WISE. Add the code as
an attachment and paste into the text area one output for level 8 and one for level 9. Note, there is a new applet that has
been placed in the LightBot instructions page that will check your answers!
Due on Monday, Oct 31:
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