If you are signed up for a Monday lab, you will miss lab for the first 2 weeks of the semester. As an alternative, please either attend one of the other lab sessions or come to special sessions we are offering on Thursday Sept 1 and Thursday Sept 8 at 11:30-12:30p in Ford 202. Tea and cookies will be available since this is also CS Tea time!
Name tags.
Note, collaboration is good (working out ideas) but copying is bad!
This course counts towards the Computer Science Major & Minor, and satisfies a QA requirement.
Lab access codes.
CS Tea! If you are considering majoring in computer science, come to CS Tea which meets every Thursday at 11:30 in the "CS Hearth", 2nd floor hallway of Ford Hall.
The textbook and WileyPlus online materials. To register, go to https://www.wileyplus.com/register and follow the directions. You will need the access code that comes packaged with your text. If you did not purchase a copy of the text with the access code, then you need to buy the registration code. Note, our Wiley course website is http://edugen.wileyplus.com/edugen/domain/dmn54850/
Assignments will be turned in via WileyPlus or WISE.
Using Clickers
Friday - First Day Quiz (Anonymous!!)
To be discussed Friday or next week: TechNews assignment.
TechNews survey: Do at the beginning of the semester: Pre-Survey for Section 01
Tasks for next week: