CS141: Topics for Week 2: Aug 31, Sept 2 & 4, 2015

Computer Science Headlines

ACM Tech News

Lab and Other Activities

Lab 2: Fundamental Data Types

Remember to review questions starting on p. 118.

In class, we will go over some of the problems from the text.

Vocabulary: Chapter 2 Java Fundamentals

Chapter 2 is full of a lot of vocabulary. It is important that you understand what these words mean otherwise you will be lost as we go forward.

The items in green will either not be emphasized or will be dealt with in much more detail later, so don't worry if they don't completely make sense.

Class and Method Syntax:
  ... class, object, method
  ... class header and body
  ... class name = file name
  ... access specifier
  ... method header and body
  ... parameter & argument
  ... brackets - code blocks
  ... statement vs expression
  ... semicolons and other punctuation {},(),//,;,"",''
  ... programming style, indentation, Netbeans formatting tool
  ... comments, single line, multi-line, Javadoc
  ... API Application Programmer Interface
  ... packages and the import statement
  ... dot notation

  ... type: primitive vs Class
  ... primitive data types (int, float, double, boolean, char)
  ... Class types (String)
  ... variable declaration
  ... identifier
  ... variable initialization
  ... case sensitive
  ... literal, String literal
  ... constant (final)
  ... scope

String Variables and Operations:
  ... String Class
  ... String operations
  ... escape sequence and control characters See Table 2-2, p. 42
  ... String concatenation and the + operator

Variable Operations:
  ... assignment operator, assignment statement
  ... operator
  ... binary arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %
  ... unary arithmetic operators: -, ++, --
  ... Mod function (%)
  ... integer division
  ... Math class, Math.PI, Math.random()
  ... operator precedence
  ... type conversion, cast operator

Keyboard I/O, input/output:
  ... Scanner class
  ... Dialog Boxes
  ... System.out.print, System.out.println
  ... System.out.printf, format specifier
  ... console
  ... standard output/input

In Class Practice Activities