Lab assignments for current week will be listed here and in the Schedule.
For this week, you are to do Lab 1: Getting Started.
This lab will not be collected
lab but you need to know everything in it in order to do all subsequent labs.
In general, everything you do in each lab will be built-on in subsequent labs, so don't fall behind!
Note, collaboration is good (working out ideas) but copying is bad!
Lab access codes.
CS Tea! If you are considering majoring in computer science,
come to CS Tea Flyer (pdf) which meets every Thursday at 11:30 in the "CS Hearth", 2nd floor hallway of Ford Hall.
The schedule will be posted here
Add your name to sign-up sheet if you want to be on the cs-interest mailing list.
How to Succeed in this Course
We will have TAs in labs. If you need additional help, see help resources.
We will have a reading quiz approximately weekly. These will be posted on WISE under
the section "Tests & Quizzes".
The questions will multiple choice or true/false
based on the current chapter.
There will also be occassional in-class written quizzes
usually on syntax. These may or may not be announced. There are no make-up in-class quizzes
but the lowest score will be dropped.