CS141: Topics for Week 4: Sept 14, 16 & 18, 2015

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Lab 3: Classes and Objects (cont)

Remember to review questions starting on p. 183.

Chapter 3 Vocabulary - Continued from Week 3

Object-oriented programming & Class Structure
  ... Class (user defined type)
  ... Object (instance of class)
  ... primitive type vs class type
  ... Attributes, Fields, or Member variables (data)
  ... Methods (actions)

Method Structure:
  ... access specifier or modifier (e.g. public, private)
  ... method name
  ... method parameters
  ... return type, return value
  ... variable scope: local vs global, shadowing

Class Structure (more detail):
  ... Constructors, default constructor
  ... Public interface
  ... Private implementation, data hiding
  ... Mutator methods (setter)
  ... Accessor methods (getter)
  ... toString method

Object Creation and Use
  ... The keyword: new
  ... Sending a message, calling a method
  ... dot notation
  ... (formal) parameter vs argument (actual parameter)
  ... parameter passing
  ... Null pointer and the Null Pointer Exceptions

Code Design and Development
  ... UML Diagram
  ... API (Application Programmer Interface)
  ... Encapsulation, modularization
  ... stepwise refinement
  ... reusability

Testing and Debugging
  ... debugging & testing
  ... tracing code

Topics (cont):

In Class Practice Activities