Accessing the Shared Drive: The final work should be placed in the folder indicated in the lab instructions below.
The folder is located on the shared network drive.
Instructions for accessing this shared drive are given on the links page
under Ford Lab (click on links icon above).
The shared drive should accessible from any computer on campus, including in the dorm rooms. However, this drive is not available from off campus.
Don't be late: You may work from and save your files to your own computer, on your H drive, or the network shared drive. However, for the final submission, you need to make sure both your images and your Processing sketch folders and files are copied over to the shared drive. These files will then be copied by the instructor on the day they are due. If your files are missing or if the file dates are after the due date, your homework will be considered late.
Stay Organized! Regardless of where you work, it is important to stay organized. If you work on your own computer or your H drive, it is recommended that you create a top-level folder called CS145. Within this folder, create a subfolder called Lab1. Save all of your Processing sketches for this lab, into this folder. When done, copy over to the shared drive.
Stay Safe! It is a good idea to backup your files frequently. Use a backup location separate from where you typically work (if you put everything on your own computer and if your hard drive dies, you will lose the sketches and the backups). Note, Willamette backs up your H drive every day so this is a good place to put things assuming the files aren't too large. Loss of files is generally not an excuse for incomplete or late work.
In class, we will go over the Processing environment as well as some of the syntax and behavior of a number of the commands in Processing. At a minimum, be certain that you are familiar with the following basic commands:
Other commands may be found in the Processing reference. For example, you might want to explore creating shapes using arc(), beginShape/endShape, bezier(), curve(). These can be complicated to use so do your best.
In this part, you will place a grid over a photograph to determine the coordinates of the basic shapes. More details will be discussed in class. You may use your own photo (you will need to add a grid - ask if you don't know how) or you may use these photos of Waller Hall or Ford Hall (pick the one you want and print it out - a few copies will be available in class).
Be careful which points you mark on the grid. For example, a rectangle using rectMode(Corner) is specified by the (x,y) coordinate in its upper left corner, followed by its width and height. This is what should be marked on the graph.
When you done marking the shapes on the grid, create a new Processing sketch. Save the sketch using a name that relates to the task, e.g. WallerHall.
As you add shapes to your processing sketch, please add comments to your code so we know what each shape (or collection of shapes) represents. For example, label the grass, sky, left side of building, etc.
When done, save your image by using Processing's save command at the end of the sketch, e.g. save("WallerHall.png"). You may use either the png or jpg file format. Usually png looks a bit better but creates a larger file. Try one of each to see if it matters.
In this part, you are to start with graph paper (pdf) and sketch out a character using the available Processing shapes. The basic requirements are
When done, save the image using Processing's save command, e.g. save("buddy.png").
Cleaning up: Before turning anything in, please clean up your code as follows (this is important!)
Submission: By the final due date (Jan 22, before class):