- Labs
More on functions and scope.
Review from last week:
- Arithmetic (+, -, *, /, %) and the assignment statement (=)
- function and parameters, setup() function
- for-loops, nested for-loops
Programming Terminology and Concepts for this Week
- Looping through time using setup() and draw()
- Scope of variables
- Making Choices - Conditional expressions
- boolean variable
- Conditional expression
- Comparison operators: <, >, <=, >=, !=
- "if" statement and the "if-else" statement
- boolean operator: AND (&&), OR (||), NOT (!)
- relational operator
- In Processing reference - look under Control:
- relational Operators
- Conditional
- Logical Operators
- Random numbers
- In Processing reference - look under Math, random
- random, randomSeed
General References on Design:
Relationship between design and programming