Lab 3: Shapes Scene Graph
CS 241: Data Structures, Spring 2007

Due Date: Class time on Mon September 24

Goals for this assignment are to:


Carefully read all of Chapter 3 before starting this assignment.


  1. Begin with the Shapes program (zip file) discussed in class. The UML diagram for it can be seen here (pdf).

  2. Run the code first without making any changes. You should see a scene with 2 houses and some grass.

  3. Open the ShapesFrame class and go to the method makePicture(). Change the code to obtain a different picture. You have Boxes and Polygons to work with.
  4. Carefully look through the code to understand it's structure and then make the following additions:

  5. The code already has some javadoc comments included. Add javadoc comments where they are missing.


By no later than class on Mon September 24, you should do the following:

  1. Added the Oval and FilledPolyShape.
  2. Added scaling to all of the shapes.
  3. Created a picture illustrating all of the above.
  4. Included the javadoc and jar file.
  5. Zip together the entire project and emailed the code as an attachment to Include CS241 Lab 3 in the subject line.

By Thursday (Sept 27) you should demonstrate the code to the instructor.

We will look at your pictures in class.

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