CS241: Topics for the Week of November 19, 2007
- Reading: finish Chapter 11 with emphasis on Hash Tables
- Review Lab 9: Trees
- Begin Lab 10: Hash Tables
- Tree Applications
- Solving Sudoku
- Mazes
- MiniMax Game Trees
- Works for two player games with perfect information. Each level (or ply) corresponds to the choices of
one of the players at a particular turn. Assumes player play to the best of their ability.
- TicTacToe: see text, and Game tree
- Game of Nim: Game Tree, MatchSticks, Coins
- Sets
- no duplicates, no ordering
- interface: add, remove, contains, size
- example: see anagrams
- Ordered lists
- no duplicates
- Implements Comparable interface and Set interface
- Can use linked list (but don't extend LinkedList class). See p. 295 for
implementation of add.
- Binary trees are good datastructure for ordered lists, must be careful
not to include duplicates. Compare implementation with what you did in
last lab.
- Java Collections Framework (in java.util). See p. 316
- Collections, Set, HashSet ...
- Collections can have duplicates
- Maps - associating members of one class with another.
- Hash tables
- Bucket Sort
- hash function
- the java.util.Hashtable.java class
- collision techniques (chaining, linear probing)
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