CS241: Topics for the Week of November 12, 2007
- Lecture today on Turing
- Exam 2 on Wednesday!!
- Reading: finish Chapter 11 with emphasis on Hash Tables
- Continue to work on Lab 9: Trees
- Trees (cont)
- level order traversal
- What is complexity of tree operations? What if the tree is balanced?
- Deleting items from a binary search tree
- Given a complete binary tree of height h, how many nodes are there? How many nodes are in the last level (the leaf nodes)?
- Storing a set of comparable items. Compare the complexity of various operations (find, insert, remove)
for the following data tpes:
- unsorted list (array vs linked)
- sorted list (array vs linked)
- tree, balanced tree
- hash table (to be covered later)
- Tree Applications
- Solving Sudoku
- Mazes
- MiniMax Game Trees
- Works for two player games with perfect information. Each level (or ply) corresponds to the choices of
one of the players at a particular turn. Assumes player play to the best of their ability.
- TicTacToe: see text, and Game tree
- Game of Nim: Game Tree, MatchSticks, Coins
[top] [Schedule]