CS241: Topics for the Week of October 22, 2007
- Look at labs for Lab 6: Linked Lists and Sorting Cards
- Reading: finish Chp 7 and Chp 8, begin Chp 9
- Wed - go over Lab 7: Complexity and Simple Sorts
- Wed - introduce Lab 8: Recursion and Divide-and-Conquer Sorting
- Finish discussion of Asymptotics and Asymptotic notation: big-theta (Θ), big-Oh (&Omicron), and big-Omega (Ω).
- What is complexity of reversi, double or triple loops,...
- Amortized Analysis.
Example: Adding to a list - stretching.
- Binary Search (chp 8). Use telescoping to analyze complexity.
- Begin discussion of recursion and induction:
- Mathematical Induction
- Pitfalls: All sheep are the same color.
- Simple recursion examples: printing a list, summations, factorials,
towers of hanoi, turtle graphics, permutations, powers of 2.
- What happens to the Java Call stack.
- Sorting examples: Mergesort, quicksort, stooge. complexity
- Dynamic programming - fibonacci
- Recursion vs iteration.
- Linked lists using recursion.
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