Topics for the Week of Feb 25, 2008
CS343: Analysis of Algorithms
Note: Exam next week!
- Tues: Programming problem is due - Dijkstra's algorithm and heaps.
- Begin Recurrence Exercises
- Extra Credit - Implement Huffman Coding. The user enters text in text area. Your program, reads the
text, calculates frequency of each symbol, and determines the Huffman coding. Your program should also be
able to decode and also calculate the size of the compressed vs uncompressed representation. You can
use your heap to store the frequencies.
- Finish Chapter 4: Greedy Algorithms
- Begin Chapter 5: Divide and Conquer
- Continue Minimum Spanning Tree:
- Kruskal's Algorithm and the Union-Find Data Structure
- Prim's Algorithm
- Reverse-Delete Algorithm
- Huffman Codes and Data Compression
- Solving recurrence relations (chp 5).
Examples of Algorithms
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