Lab 8: Final Project
CS 445: Computer Graphics, Fall 2017

Due Dates:
Proposal: 10:20am Friday, Nov 10
Stage 1: 10:20am Wednesday, Nov 29
Final Demo: before 5pm Wednesday, Dec 13
Final Presentations: 8:30am Thursday, Dec 14
Final WISE submissions: noon Thursday, Dec 14


A Suggested Project: 3D Car Racing Game

You do not have to do a car racing game, however, its description should give you a sense of the desired scope and complexity of whatever you end updoing.

Goal: A car driver drives around on a track while the driving time is monitored. The goal is to get the lowest score possible (see scoring below). Players don't need to run the course at the same time, but rather compete based on overall score.

Rules: The driver must stay on the track and avoid running into any objects on or off the track. If they go off the track or hit items, they are penalized.

Scoring: The score is the sum of the driving time plus penalties. Specifically, scoring is computed as follows:


Before beginning, read the Details and Suggestions listed below. Then:

Details and Suggestions:
