CS 445 Final Review
The final will be held Friday, Dec 15, 2006, 8-11am. It will be cumulative over the entire semester.
Review textbook Chapters 0-9 as well as lecture notes on topics not covered by text.
See Midterm review.
- Frame Buffers
- Bitmaps, masks, bitwise logic operations. pixel packing.
- Mipmapping - multum in parvo (many things in a small place)
- Pixmaps and procedural textures.
- Texture modes and texture coordinates in OpenGL
- Mapping 2D images onto 2D surfaces embedded in 3D space.
- Procedural vs image maps
- Convolution
Ray Tracing
- Set up of world: camera, screen, world coordinates vs pixel coordinates.
- Pseudo code for the basic algorithm.
- What is a ray and how is it represented mathematically?
- Computing intersections with simple objects: spheres, planes, cylinders, ...
- How is color computed at intersection point?
- How are shadows implemented?
- How are reflections implemented?
What are the pros and cons of Scanline Rendering, Radiosity, and Ray Tracing?
Physically Based Modeling
- Six degrees of freedom: v and p.
- First order differential equation representing a particle motion.
- Solution using Euler's equation.
- Resulting equations and solutions for constant motion (f=0), gravity, and springs.