- Continue reading: Chapter 8: Texture Mapping.
Begin Chapter 9: Graphical Problem Solving in Science.
Monday: Demo and turn in Part 3 of
Project 3: Color Ramps, Lights, and Materials
Begin Part 1 of
Project 4:Bitmaps, Pixmaps, and Textures
- Continue discussion of Texture mapping . Examples:
- PixImageExample - shows how to convert an image into a ByteBuffer
- SimpleTextureImageExample - shows how to load an image into opengl and to assign texture coordinates.
- TextureParamExample - shows how various texture parameters affect the texture. Also look at
Nate Robins examples.
- TextureExample - shows how the texture mode works.
- AlgebraicWithTexture (Steiner surface) - assigned for lab.
- SeaShellTexture - another example.
- TextureCude - shows how to load multiple textures.