Lab 6: Final Project
CS 445: Computer Graphics, Fall 2008

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This lab will be worth the equivalent of 3 weekly labs.


Something New

Learn about a topic that has not yet been covered in class. Implement a simple demonstation program. Possible topics include:

Most of the above topics are discussed and have sample code in one or more of the following places: your textbook, SuperBible, OpenGL Programming Guide, OpenGL distilled (code on enfuzion)

Be prepared to give a minimum of a 15 minute presention of your topic to the class. The presentation should include 1) a brief powerpoint presentation (e.g. 3-4 slides) outlining the key concepts and necessary code components and 2) demonstration Java program. Place the demonstation program on enfuzion for others to try out on their own.

Schedule of Presentations: By Tues, Nov 18, you should have picked your topic.

Final Project

  1. Proposal, Tues, Nov 18: Write a one page typewritten project description. Include a breakdown of the project into at 3 stages. Each stage should be completed by the dates below. The proposal should include the following sections (see template (doc)):
  2. Stage 1, Tues, Nov 25: Demo stage 1. Zip and mail to gorr.
  3. Stage 2,Thurs, Dec 4, Demo 2: Demo stage 2. Zip and mail to gorr.
  4. Stage 3,Tues, Dec 9: Demo stage 3, the final program Zip and mail to gorr.

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