Lab 1: Building a Recursive Ray Tracer
CS 445: Computer Graphics, Fall 2010

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Assignments are due at the beginning of class on Sept 7 (part 1), Sept 14 (part 2), and Sept 21 (part 3). For details on how and what to turn in, see Deliverables at the bottom of this page.



In this lab, you are to implement a simple ray tracer based on the discussion in class.


Week 1 (due Sept 7 at the beginning of class):

This week, you are just get the main algorithm working. A sphere is already included. Shading will be ignored.

Week 2 (due Sept 14 at the beginning of class):

This week, you are to get the shading implemented. The parts you need to implement are:

Week 3 (due Sept 21 at the beginning of class):

This week, you should:

With shadows With shadows and reflections

Extra Credit

For extra credit, 2D image textures. You may add either a procedural texture (there is already a stub for a checkerboard) or image based textures (you will need to read in an image). Note, extra credit is only given if the regular part of the assignment has been fully completed.
With shadows and reflections and textures.


You will have 3 weeks to complete the entire ray tracer. The lab is worth 30 points (approx 10 points per part). Each week, you are to turn in the entire Netbeans project for that part of the lab. Please do the following:

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