Tues, Nov 23: Write a one page typewritten project proposal. Include a breakdown of the project into an intermediate stage and a final stage. Email this proposal to gorr, and be prepared to discuss it in class on Nov 23. The proposal should include:
Thurs, Dec 2: Demo the intermediate stage.
Tue/Thurs, Dec 7 or 9: Give a short presentation and demo of final project to class. We may be able to fit these all on the last day. If not, however, we will take volunteers to present earlier on Dec 7. Note, the final code does not have to be submitted until the 9th.
Thurs, Dec 9: Submit final program via wise. Be sure to add Javadocs (within reason) so that someone other than you could understand what the code is doing. Include a brief typewritten user manual (e.g. 1 page max, pdf) which includes 1) A description of the application, and 2) anything the user needs to know in order to run the program.