Course Description and Policies
IDS 101-27: College Colloquium: Algorithmic Art, Fall 2012

Course Description

Algorithmic Art is an emerging new field that combines mathematical algorithms, design principles, and the computational power of computers to create images, animation, and interactive art. In this colloquium, students will examine issues of esthetics & design and reflect on the concept of code as a visual language through reading, discussion and writing. After considering the historical beginnings of this art-form, we will focus on selected past and present artists (or algorists), such as Charles Csuri and Roman Verostko, and work with mathematical algorithms such as iterated functions, L-systems, and fractals. Students will also be introduced to simple coding constructs enabling them to generate their own work using the programming environment called Processing (, a system designed specifically for visual artists. No programming background is assumed.

Student Learning Outcomes

As a section of Willamette University's College Colloquium program, this course is intended to cultivate and facilitate your abilities of the following:
  1. close reading of texts. (reads closely)
  2. positive contributions to seminar discussions. (discuss reflectively)
  3. analytic writing that supports a critical argument. (write effectively)

Regular Meeting Times

Lecture: TuTh: 12:50-2:20pm, Ford 202
Office Hours: Office hours are listed in the course schedule. In addition, Prof Orr is often in her office and students are encouraged to stop by any time if they have questions. Alternatively, feel free to email Prof Orr (gorr) to set up a specific meeting time.

Opening Days Schedule

More details may be found here.
Thursday, Aug 23 4:15-5:30pm Class Time, Ford 202
Friday, Aug 24 8:30-10:15am Prep Time
10:30am-noon, Opening Convo, Smith Auditorium, Firoozeh Dumas, bestselling author of Funny in Farsi.
1:30-3pm Class Time, Ford 202
Saturday, Aug 25 8:30-10:15am Prep Time
10:30am-noon Class Time, Ford 202
noon-3:00pm Lunch with CC section, location TBD
Monday, Aug 27 9am-10:30am Class Time, Ford 202
10:30am-3pm Academic Advising meetings, Ford 210

After this, we are on our regular schedule: TuTh: 12:50-2:20pm, Ford 202

Grading and Attendance

Grades will be determined based on the following:


Each subsequent absence will reduce grade by half a grade point (A becomes A-, A- becomes B, etc).

You are allowed 5 unexcused absences which should be used to cover such things as brief illnesses, job interviews, etc. Exceptions include such things as an excused athletic absences or a prolonged illness. In such cases, you are expected to 1) provide documentation (e.g. email from coach or a doctor's note) and 2) arrange with the professor prior to the absence (if possible) to discuss how to make up the missed classes and assignments.



Includes preparedness (reading, short assignments) and regular involvement in discussion both in class and online. Note, if you are absent or your assignments are late, you will have trouble participating.

Programming and Image creation


Programming and image creation beyond what is already included in the writing assignments.



There will be 3 writing assignments (10-20-20%). Includes final papers as well as drafts, ability to meet deadlines, and meetings with Writing Center Consultant.

Text and Other Materials

Textbook: The required textbooks are

Software: We will be using the software environment processing.exe, version 1.5.1 which may be downloaded for free at


In accordance with University policy, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access to this class, please contact me at the beginning of the semester or when given an assignment for which an accommodation is required. Students must verify their eligibility though the University in order to receive accommodations. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me. The university policies on disability accommodation may be found here.

Computers and Phones

You are welcome to use a laptop in class if what you are doing pertains directly to the class (facebook and email do not fit this description), otherwise the said device may be removed from your person.

Your phone should be turned off in class. If it rings or you are discovered texting, the instructor will take possession of it for the remainder of the class. If the behavior is repeated over multiple classes, then you will be required to turn your phone over to the instructor at the beginning of every subsequent class.

Plagiarism and Cheating

In the context of this class, plagiarism is defined as representing someone else's work as your own. This includes both code and writing. In writing, quotation marks with citations are required for verbatim quotes, and citations are required for paraphrased ideas. Paraphrasing that too closely resembles the words of another author is plagiarism, even if unintentional. For submitted code, a citation is required as a comment at the top of the program along with a brief description of what, if anything, was modified.

A plagiarism or cheating report will be made to the Dean’s office if these procedures are not followed. A full description of the university policies on Plagiarism and Cheating may be found here.

Topics to be Discussed