Art & Design
Artists, Sample Art, and Museums
- See Algorithmic Artists and Algorithms
- Kurzweil on AARON
- Bathsheba Sculpture
- Wikipedia: Digital Artist
- Wikipedia: Algorists
- Wikipedia: Algorithmic art
- Roman Verostko: Pre-Algorithmic Art and Algorithmic Art
- Bogdan Soban: Generative Art
- Mike Field
- Jared Tarbell: Gallery of Computation
- Marius Watz
- American mathematical Society: Mathematics and Art
Artists discussed include, among others, Helaman Ferguson, Nathaniel Friedman, George Hart,
Koos Verhoeff, Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter, Michael Field, M. C. Escher.
- Digital Art Museum, and Artists
- Exhibit at
Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art : Imaging by Numbers: A Historical View of the Computer Print
- Austin Museum of Digital Art
- A Course in the Physics & Art of Fluid Flow
- Bioscapes: A life science digital imaging competition. These are not
actually algorithmically generated but rather are photos of biological systems as seen through a microscope.
Their forms (in many cases) are quite abstract and almost look like paintings or computer generated work.
- Links on Mathematical Art, Graphics, Chaos and Fractals
- Digital Art Gallery (DART)