In Class Critique Instructions for Lab 1
IDS252: 3D Animation, Spring 2018

  1. If working with a group, sit next to your partner(s).

  2. Face the center of the class and determine who is the person (or group) to your right. This is who you will evaluate.

  3. Go through the evaluation sheet. If the person/group has missed something that is very quick to fix, tell them, and have them fix it. If it can't be quickly fixed, make a note of it on the evaluation sheet.

  4. If the work is particularly good or the person went beyond what was expected on the lab, make a note of it.

  5. After the evaluations are complete, the class will come back together as a whole and look at some of the work that was done.

  6. Turn in your evaluation sheet at the end of class or lab.