In Class Critique Instructions for Lab 2
IDS252: 3D Animation, Spring 2018

  1. Get together with your partner. Together you will evaluate the work of another group. You will fill out a separate form for each person in the other group.

  2. Face the center of the class and evaluate the group to your right.

  3. Go to the folders on cs-render to look at the work of the two people you are evaluating. Check questions 1 and 2 on the sheet. Give the people you are evaluating the opportunity to fix minor problems which are quick and easy to fix. Mark down on the evaluation sheet anything that doesn't get fixed.

  4. Together with your partner, look at the poses and compositions. Fill out questions 3-5.

  5. The class will come back together as a whole. Each group will be asked to convey some of the key points from their discussion to the class.

  6. Turn in your evaluation sheet at the end of class or lab.