Due Date: Wednesday Sept 26, at the beginning of class.
Note, you will need headphones for this lab.
Tutorials In the Getting Started with Maya tutorials, go to the Animation section and do lesson 3 (Path Animation). The file you need is PathAnim.mb. It should be located on the C drives of the machines in 411 at
Note: These tutorial animations are not to be turned in. They are purely for you to learn how to animate!
10 Second Animation Loop With Music:
In this part of the lab, you are to download a music file created from one of the music students.
Music Files: Your assigned music file is given here.
You must work on \\home\enfuzion and not on your H drive. Why? - because you run the risk of running out of space on your H drive (and will lose files) and the renderfarm can only be run from \\home\enfuzion.
You are to create a 10 second (300 frames) animation that goes with the music. Your animation should again be a loop (the last frame is the same as the first frame).
To load music into your scene:
Here are a couple of the main things that are explained in these help pages:
To create an animation do not try to match the movement in your animation precisely with the music. Maya doesn't give you enough control to do this well. Try instead to capture the overall feel of the music rather than the details.
Normally, your rendering is all done on your local machine. This can be slow if you are rendering many frames for an animation. To speed up rendering, you may use the renderfarm which "farms out" your render request to multiple machines. Instructions for how to use the renderfarm are given here. These are a little out of date but are pretty close to what you need to do. You may submit jobs to the renderfarm either from within Maya or outside Maya. Remember that your project must be on enfuzion for the renderfarm to work. We will go over all of this in class. Be sure to come to lab if you have questions.
!!!!Back-up your Maya (*.mb) file along with the music files. Make sure that you are able to retrieve them at a later date!!
Critiques will be done jointly with the music students on Wed Sept 26. For this reason, it is especially important that you get your work done on time.
At that time,we will ask the following types of questions: guide.