Lab 7: Collaboration and Character
IDS252: 3D Animation, Fall 2009

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Due Date: Tuesday Oct 20, 9am.



  1. File Location: Again, please work on enfuzion drive and not on your H drive. Create a new folder with a name composed of your last name and your partner's last name. This folder should go into the enfuzion folder
    When you have completed the animation, place a copy into the folder
    Make sure that the name of the file you copy into this folder includes your both your name and your partner's name.
  2. Organization: A main goal of this lab is to learn how to organize your project! For example:

  3. Tutorials: There are no tutorials this week.

  4. Project Description & Directions


Place your final animation on \\home\enfuzion in the folder IDS252Fa09\Lab7\FinalAnimations. Be sure that the file name contains your name.

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