Lab: Continue Lab 8: Animation Production .
- Each group (and group member) will present progress made on animation.
- Submit your status report. Send it to your group mail: ids252-catmouse, ids252-dance, ids252-rainboot, ids252-zombies
- In lab: Focus on the animation!! Begin thinking about lighting and shading.
Thurs: Keep working on the animation!
Topic: Maps:
- Maps
- Bump Mapping
- In Maya:
- Mapping Methods: Normal or Projection
- Texture maps: color, transparency, bump, reflection, etc
- 2D vs 3D Textures
- Layered textures, layered shaders
Expectations for next week:
- Tuesday
- Class: Animation is due on Tuesday at the beginning of class!!!
- In lab: Refine animation based on class feedback. Continue work on lighting and shading.
- Thursday
- Continue work on animation, lighting, and shading.