Lab 7:Story Development
IDS252: 3D Animation,
Spring 2014
Due Dates:
Wed, Mar 5: | First draft of story (text) is due at the beginning of class.
Fri, Mar 7: | Revised story (with check list) and (large) storyboards are due.
Be ready to pitch story! Edit based on class feedback.
Mon, Mar 10: | Final pitch.
Animation groups will be decided on this day!
Evaluation Sheet (pdf)
Group Assignments
- Develop a story idea for a 1 minute animation.
- Draw the storyboards.
- Pitch the story and revise.
- Entire Class: Choose stories and groups for final project.
- Deliverables: A brief text of a story and the corresponding storyboards pitched to class.
Files and Folders
- In this lab you will work with one partner. On cs-render, in folder \IDS252Sp14\Lab7,
create a folder with the name of both you and your partner. Any
files you create or use should go in this folder.
Story Options
There are several approaches you may take to developing your story. Your 1 minute animation does not have to
be a complete story. Instead, it could be your own interpretation of:
- A brief excerpt from a book or play that you like and you feel would work well as an animation.
- An brief excerpt from a well known story, e.g. a fairy tale
(e.g. Little Red Riding Hood).
Fairy tales tend to be about the universal human qualities, emotions, experiences. Re-tell
a part of the story either 1) in a modern day context or 2) from the perspective of a different character or 3)
use the characters in your own story.
- A brief excerpt from a film (live action not an animation!) that you want to turn into an animation.
- A serious or funny scenerio you have written yourself or modified from something you have seen, e.g.
a newsreel, a documetary, etc
- An animation that explains a concept (e.g. math or science) or recounts a historical event.
- A scenario or story that conveys a message or idea you feel strongly about -
global warming, love, war, gay rights, food, growing up, relationships, family, etc.
- A full 1-minute story that you have written and that works well as an animation.
- Aim for a story that is 1 minute long. Remember, it takes time and effort to do modeling and animation well so
keep it simple!
- Think long and hard about what will work as an animation given your skill level. Try to avoid dependence on
special effects - this is an exercise in animation more than in anything else.
- Once you decide on a story, write it down in text/paragraph form. It does not need to be more than a few paragraphs long.
Be certain to address the following:
- This is a visual story - your words must show, not tell,
e.g. see p.3 of your textbook. Your story must be told through the characters, gestures, actions and supported
through the use of camera, props, sound, and lighting.
- Identify the emotion, intention, and thoughts of the characters. Specifically address how these will be visually
conveyed to the audience? Don't rely on subtlety.
- Your animation will have music and foley but no dialogue. How will these be used to help
convey your story. What, if anything, will you want to ask the musicians to do or to consider?
- Vary the pacing and tension. Make a plot e.g. of tension or pace as a function of time.
- Go for quality, not quantity - don't bite off more than you can chew! You need time to go through several
- You may use any rigged characters as long as you have tested the rig and find it easy to use.
- You may model your own simple characters. For example, look at
what students have done in previous animations, e.g. their "characters" have been balls, cars, mice (with no moving legs),
sandwiches, etc.
You should not try to rig your own characters because this will take too much time and you will not have
time to do the animation well (the focus should be the animation!).
During Lab (Fri, Feb 28)
- Pick a partner.
- Work with your partner and begin to discuss story ideas. Feel free to consult others in the class or the instructor.
Homework (for Mon, Mar 3):
Through email, Google docs, or in person, continue to discuss various story ideas with your partner. There is
nothing officially to turn in just yet.
During Lecture/Lab (Mon, Mar 3)
During Lecture and Lab (Wed, Mar 5)
During Lecture and Lab (Fri, Mar 7)
During Lecture and Lab (Mon, Mar 10)
Warning: On Monday, Mar 10, we will vote on the stories -
if absent, you will be assigned a story.
This lab will be graded based on the items in the Evaluation Sheet (pdf).