Lab 5: Creating an Animation Loop with Music
IDS252: 3D Animation, Spring 2016

Due Date: Tues, Feb 23, before the beginning of class.
On Thursday, Feb 25, we will meet with the music class to look at the scored animations from Labs 4 and 5

Evaluation Sheet (pdf)


Files and Folders


Digital Tutors

The following tutorials are suggested:

Maya Tutorials - Path Animation for Airplane, and Rigging a Mechanical Arm

In Maya, go to Help → Tutorials → Maya Tutorials. Click on the link Getting Started with Maya 2015. In the contents, click on Getting Started with Maya, and then Animation. Do the following lessons:

The above tutorials will not be collected but are strongly recommended!

10 Second Animation Loop


Before class on the due date listed above, place your final animation (in quicktime format and with sound attached) on cs-render in the folder \IDS252Sp16\Lab5\FinalAnimations. Your Maya project should be in the folder \IDS252Sp16\Lab5\MayaProjects. Animations will be graded based on the evaluation questions discussed during the critique (see link at top).