Lab 5: Telling a Story
IDS 352: 3D Advance Animation,
Fall 2014
See schedule for due dates.
This is a capstone assignment. The goal are to:
- Create a single animation that tells a brief story or sets a scenerio.
- Combine skills and concepts learned over the semester.
- Re-use, combine and add to animations already created.
- Work with musicians.
Story Requirements
- The animation should be your main focus. Everything else is secondary.
- The animation should be around 10-15 seconds long. Longer is ok but only if the animation is slow paced.
- Include one primary character. Maybe a minor secondary character but only if this character's animation is minimal.
- Keep the environment minimal. A ground plane and one or 2 simple props. Don't spend much time on these!
- Use only a few lights. Use solid materials.
- The camera action should be simple, e.g. a fixed camera perhaps with a few cuts.
Meet with muscicians at ~11:30am next Thursday (Nov 6).
See chart for schedule.