Lab 3: Frieze Patterns
CS 145: Images and Imagination, Spring 2014

Due Date:

Final submission is due Mon, Feb 24 before class.
This lab is worth 20 points.
See policy page for late penalties.

Summary of Goals

The main goals of this lab are to:

Part 1: Practice

You do not need to turn anything in for this part of the lab.

To learn about and practice the concepts required for this lab, please follow the instructions here (pdf). It might be easier to copy the code from the Word doc version

A few additional notes are here: 2D Transformations

Part 2: Assignment

To learn about how to apply the above concepts to create Frieze patterns, please follow the instructions here (pdf).

Part 2: Submission

By Feb 24 before class, please submit your work by placing the following onto the shared drive gorr-classes. The submission should include: