CS141: Topics for April 7, 9, & 11, 2014
Lab 7: Introduction to Complex Numbers
Friday: Begin
Lab 8: The Mandelbrot Set (under construction)
Complex and Imaginary Numbers (Continued):
Complex artithmetic
Polar Form z = r e
i Θ
= r (cos Θ + i sin Θ)
See Exercises in lab.
What is happening in the lab program? Why do you get the transformations in the images?
Mandelbrot Set
Sekino's Fractal Gallery
Introduction to the Mandelbrot Set
Benoit Mandelbrot - Hunting the Hidden Dimension Nova (2008)
Ted Talk on YouTube:
Benoit Mandelbrot: Fractals and the art of roughness
Origami and Math:
Between the Folds
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