Lab 1: Introduction to Processing
CS145: Images and Imagination, Fall 2010

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Due Date:
Sept 8 at midnight. Note, this assignment will graded pass-fail.

Readings and Online Tutorials

Summary of Goals


The first lab is most confusing since so much is new. Therefore, it will be leniently graded as pass/fail. Your job is to make a good faith effort to follow the instructions and to turn in at least 2 images via WISE. Do the best you can and have fun experimenting! If you have problems and are a day or two late, you will not be penalized. However, it is your responsibility to get the submission process figured out by the time the second lab is due.


Becoming Familiar with Processing:

On your H-drive, create a folder called CS145. Within this folder, create a subfolder called Lab1. Save all of your Processing sketches for this lab, into this folder.

In class, we will go over the Processing environment as well as some of the syntax and behavior of a number of the commands in Processing. Your job is to work through the readings and online tutorials (see above). As you go, try out the examples that are given.

At a minimum, be certain that you are familiar with the following basic commands:

Creating Several Images to Turn in:

Pick any theme you like. It could be along the lines of: music, nature, bicycles, etc. Or it could be something more abstract such as wind, chaos, or solitude. Use the Processing commands you have learned to create 2-3 images related to this theme. Think about design elements and principles. These images may be abstract or representational. Be prepared to discuss your thought processes.

Preparing the files for submitting to WISE:

Folder Structure: Each Processing sketch will be in its own folder. Each of these folders should be in your CS145/Lab1 folder. Each sketch folder should contain your Processing code (*.pde) and an image (*.png).

Saving an Image: For each Processing sketch, make sure that you also save an image into the sketch folder by using the Processing save() command. Use the png image format. Please name the images using the lab number, your last name, and a word describing the image. For example, if I had several images containing circles, I would name the images: Lab1_orr_circles1.png and Lab1_orr_circles2.png

Cleaning up the Code: For each sketch, make sure that you have cleaned up the Processing code as follows (this is important!):

  • Zipping: When you are done doing all of the above, zip together your entire Lab1 folder into a single zip file. (We will go over this in class)
  • Submitting to WISE:

    By midnight of Sept 8 submit the single zipped file via WISE as an attachment.

    Since the first lab is always the most confusing, don't worry if you have problems with the submission process. We will go over it again in class for those who have problems. For lab 2, it will be assumed that you know what to do.

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