1 | Course Overview and Intro to Processing & Graphics | Text: Chps 1-3, Online: Coordinate System and Shapes, Color | Lab 1: Introduction to Processing (due Sept 8, Pass/Fail) |   | |
2 | Variables, Loops, Conditionals | Text: Chps 4-5, Appendices A-C | Lab 2: Repetition, Looping, and Making Choices (due Sept 15, Graded) |   | |
3 | Functions, Movement and Interaction  | Text: Chps 7 (up to p. 104) and 8 | Lab 3: Functions and Animation (due Sept 22, Pass/Fail) |   | |
4 | Images and Text  | Text: Chp 6 | Lab 4: Images and Text (due Oct 4, 9am, Pass/Fail) |   | |
5 | Exam 1 on Sept 30 | Text: review assigned readings | Lab 4 (cont) |   | |
6 | Sound, Interaction, and 1D Arrays | Text: Chap 10 (up to p. 147), Online: Minim Sound Library | Lab 5: Sound and Response (due Mon, Oct 18, Graded) | Tue: Meet with musicians Fri/Sat - Prof Orr away at a conference. |
7 | Sounds (cont) | Text: none | Lab 5: Sound and Response (cont) |   | |
8 | Transformations, Frieze Patterns and Hierarchical Structures | Text: finish Chp 7 | Lab 6: Transformations and Frieze Patterns ( due Wed, Oct 27, Graded) | Fri - Mid-semester day | |
9 | 2D Arrays and Image Filters | Text: finish Chp 10, and Online: Images and Pixels | Lab 7: Image Filters (Nov 8, Pass/Fail) |   | |
10 | Image Filters (cont) | Text: none | Lab 7: Image Filters (cont) (Nov 8, Pass/Fail) |   | |
11 | Exam 2 | Text: review assigned readings | No new lab assigned |   | |
12 | Trig and Complex Numbers | Text: none, Online: Trigonometry | Lab 8: Trig, Complex Numbers, and the Mandelbrot Set (POSTPONED: due Nov 30, 9am, Pass/Fail) |   | |
13 | Fractals | Text: none | Lab 9: Creative Lab (part 1 due Nov 30, Pass/Fail) | Thanksgiving - no class Thursday | |
14 | Misc  | Text: beginning of Chp 11 | Lab 9: Creative Lab (part 2 due Dec 7/9, Graded) |   | |
15 | Work on Lab 9, Review for final. | Text: none | Lab 9 (cont) | classes end Fri Dec 10. | |