Lab 7: Image Filters
CS145: Images and Imagination, Fall 2010

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Due Date:
Monday, Nov 8 at midnight.


Summary of Goals

The main goals of this lab are to:

Learning and Practice

Carefully read through the new material in the online tutorial Images and Pixels. The beginning part should be a review. The new material begins at the section Pixels, pixels, and more pixels. It is important that you actually implement and experiment with the examples. Use your own images. Here is some starting code which inverts the colors or an image:

Program 1: Invert Image Colors

PImage img;

void setup() {
  img = loadImage("capeLookout.jpg");
  size(img.width, img.height);

void draw() {
  loadPixels();   // the pixels in the Processing Window
  img.loadPixels();  // the pixels in your image

  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
      // this is the location of the pixel 
      //   at row=y and column = x
      int loc = x + y*width;  

      // The functions red(), green(), and blue() pull out 
      //   the 3 color components from a pixel.
      float r = red(img.pixels[loc]);
      float g = green(img.pixels[loc]);
      float b = blue(img.pixels[loc]);

      // Invert colos:
      r = 255-r;
      g = 255-g;
      b = 255-b;

      // Constrain RGB to between 0-255
      r = constrain(r,0,255);
      g = constrain(g,0,255);
      b = constrain(b,0,255);

      // Set the display pixel to the image pixel
      pixels[loc] =  color(r,g,b);

Original image:

Filtered image:

To get started, copy the above code into a Processing sketch and save to your own folder. Place your own image in that folder. Run the program.

In class, we will go over the examples and discuss what is going on. For example, the examples include:


Once you are familiar with the above techniques, design at least 4 filters or your own. Include at least one convolution.

For each filter, be sure to apply the filter to an image of your choice. Save a copy of the resulting filtered image.

Options to consider:

You do not need to use any animation unless you wish. If you don't use animation, then please do not use a draw function.

To Be Submitted

This lab will be graded based on a 10 point scale. As in previous labs, zip together everything into a single zip file and add as an attachment in WISE. Please don't forget to follow the steps below for cleaning up your code. Clean, well commented, and easy to understand code is very important.

Preparing the files for submitting to WISE:

Files: You should be turning in at least four Processing Sketches. Each sketch folder should contain

  1. A sketch for one of your filters.
  2. The original image and the resulting filtered images.

Cleaning up the Code: Make sure that you have cleaned up the Processing code as follows:

  • Zipping: When you are done doing all of the above, zip together your three sketch folders into a single zip file.
  • Submitting to WISE:

    By midnight of Mon, Nov 8, submit the single zipped file via WISE as an attachment.

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