Lab 8: Trig, Complex Numbers, and the Mandelbrot Set
CS145: Images and Imagination, Fall 2010

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Due Date:
POSTPONED: Tuesday, Nov 30 at 9am.

Readings and Resources

Summary of Goals

The main goals of this lab are to:

Trigonometry Examples

Complex Numbers

The Mandelbrot Set

Further Explorations: Iterated Function Systems (not to be turned in)

To Be Submitted

As in previous labs, zip together your entire sketch folder containing a single Mandelbrot sketch containing multiple setColor functions for setting the color. Include in the folder at least 4 different images (e.g. png files) that you obtained by varying the region and the color function. Add the zip file as an attachment in WISE. Please don't forget to follow the steps below for cleaning up your code. Clean, well commented, and easy to understand code is very important.

Follow the directions from previous labs for preparing the files for submitting to WISE.

By 9am of Tuesday, Nov 30, submit the single zipped file via WISE as an attachment.

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