Lab 9: Creative Lab
CS145: Images and Imagination,
Fall 2010
[previous lab][schedule]
Due Date: Part 1 is due Thursday, Dec 2, Part 2 is due Thursday, Dec 9 at the very begining of class.
This will be a multi-week lab and will be worth 20 points, i.e. twice the number of points of the previous labs.
Resources and Readings
Review previous labs.
Summary of Goals
Combine multiple programming elements learned throughout the semester to make a creative piece based on a theme of your choice.
It could be a game, an animation, still images, and/or involve interaction. Please feel free to use any of the music files from Lab 5 if you wish.
Thursday, Dec 2 - Project Proposal: Write a brief, typed proposal (e.g. as a Word or pdf document) containing the following:
- A theme: It could be anything, but it is important to pick this ahead of time.
Examples might be: nature, connections, rituals, life cycle, time & place, change, identity, etc.
- A statement about the theme: Write down a sentence or two describing what you find compelling about this theme or what specific aspect of the theme that you want to explore.
- The programming elements: Identify the programming elements you plan on using and explain how these elements
will be used. Also state whether the work will be an animation, still images, or interactive.
Also be prepared to discuss the above in class on Dec 2.
Thursday, Dec 9 - the Project: Note, this is the last day of class. Turn in the final work via wise (sketch and sample images)
and plan to show your work during class.
To Be Submitted
Thursday, Dec 2: Turn in a paper copy during class. (Word or pdf file format)
Thursday, Dec 9: Zip together your entire sketch folder containing a your project, including sample images.
Add the zip file as an attachment in WISE. Please don't forget to clean up your code.
[top] [Schedule]