Due Date:
Wednesday, Oct 27 at midnight. Note, this assignment will graded (10 pts).
The main goals of this lab are to:
You do not need to turn anything in for this part of the lab.
To learn about and practice the concepts required for this lab, please follow the instructions here (pdf).
To learn about how to apply the above concepts to create Frieze patterns, please follow the instructions here (pdf).
For this part of the lab, you should turn in 3 Processing Sketches. Each sketch should include 2 different images.
This lab will be graded based on a 10 point scale. As in previous labs, zip together everything into a single zip file and add as an attachment in WISE. Please don't forget to follow the steps below for cleaning up your code. Clean, well commented, and easy to understand code is very important.
Files: You should be turning in three Processing Sketches. Each sketch folder should contain
- A sketch for a specific Frieze symmetry pattern (e.g. jump, sidle, etc)
- At least two images, where each image uses a different lattice image.
Cleaning up the Code: Make sure that you have cleaned up the Processing code as follows:
- Delete any unused sections of code.
- At the top of the code, add comments containing your name, the lab number, the course number, and a one sentence description of what the code does. Add additional comments, if ncessary, so that someone else looking at the code can follow what the code does. This will become more useful as your programs get longer and more complex.
- (THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT) Run the Auto-format command by going to the Processing menu: Tools→AutoFormat. You may have to do some additional formatting by hand.
Zipping: When you are done doing all of the above, zip together your three sketch folders into a single zip file.
By midnight of Wed, Oct 27, submit the single zipped file via WISE as an attachment.