Lab 2: Repetition, Looping, and Making Choices
CS145: Images and Imagination, Fall 2010

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Due Date:
Sept 15 at midnight. Note, this assignment will graded (10 pts) based on these criteria.


Summary of Goals

The main goal of this lab is to learn how to use for-loops. To do this, one needs to understand:

The following topics are covered in the reading and will discussed in class. If you wish to use them in the lab assignment, you may, but they are not required.

Suggested Folder Structure

On your H-drive, in the same CS145 folder you created in the first lab, create a subfolder called Lab2. In this folder, created two subfolders, one named Practice, and the other named Lab2Final. Save all of the practice sketches for this lab into the Practice folder. In the Lab2Final folder, save all of the sketches that you plan on submitting.

Practice Activities

You will not be asked to turn these in.

To Be Submitted

This portion of the lab will be graded based on the list of criteria listed here.

Your goal is to create interesting patterns or scenes by combining for-loops (and/or nested loops) which simultaneously vary color, shape, and position of shapes. You are to produce 2-3 unique images (png format). If you have trouble knowing where to begin, pick a theme as you did in the first lab to help narrow down an idea. Otherwise, just stay abstract. Be prepared to discuss what you did.

For example:

Preparing the files for submitting to WISE:

Folder Structure: Each Processing sketch (*.pde) will be in its own folder. Each of these folders should be in your CS145/Lab2/Lab2Final folder. Each sketch folder should contain your Processing code (*.pde) and an image (*.png).

Saving an Image: For each Processing sketch, make sure that you also save an image into the sketch folder by using the Processing save() command. Use the png image format. Please name the images using the lab number, your last name, and a word describing the image. For example, if I had several images containing circles, I would name the images: Lab2_orr_circles1.png and Lab2_orr_circles2.png

Cleaning up the Code: For each sketch, make sure that you have cleaned up the Processing code as follows:

  • Zipping: When you are done doing all of the above, zip together your entire Lab2Final folder into a single zip file.
  • Submitting to WISE:

    By midnight of Sept 15 submit the single zipped file via WISE as an attachment.

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