Lab 1: Building a Recursive Ray Tracer
CS 445: Computer Graphics, Fall 2014

Due Dates:


Summary Description

In this lab, you are to implement a simple ray tracer based on the discussion in class.


Part 1: Due Sept 9, 5pm

This week, you are just get the main algorithm working. A sphere is already included. Shading will be ignored.

The resulting image should look something like:

Part 1

Demonstrate your program in lab no later 5pm on Tues, Sept 11. No need to turn anything in (yet).

Part 2: Due Sept 16, 5pm

This week, you are to get the shading implemented. The shading is probably the most difficult part of the lab because you have to add so much before you can actually see any change. To do the shading, you first need to add lights and materials. Once you have added them, you can add the phong algorithm for calculating the shading.

Do the following:

The resulting image should look something like:

Part 2: Basic Phong Lighting

Demonstrate your program in lab no later 5pm on Tues, Sept 16. No need to turn anything in (yet).

Part 3: Due Sept 23, 5pm

This week, you should:

The resulting image should look something like:

Part 3: Shadows only

Shadows and Reflections

Tilted Camera

Demonstrate your program in lab no later 5pm on Tues, Sept 23. Before the demo, generate several images showing the different shapes you have implemented with shadows and reflections. You can save the images on Windows by using the Snipping Tool. Include at least 1 image showing that you can move and reorient your camera. Zip together the images and your codeblocks project (please delete the bin and obj folders) and submit via WISE.