Students research and develop a proposal for a substantial project that will integrate the student's knowledge in computer science and supporting areas. Weekly meetings will study methodologies and offer a forum for presentations and discussions. A paper and final presentation on the proposal topic is required. Required for major in Computer Science. (.5 credit)
Class: Th: 4-5:30pm in Ford 224
Lab (optional): 2:30p-4:00p TTH in Ford 202
See class schedule.
Class attendance in required. Late work will be penalized.
Final course grades will be based in the following:
Attendence and Participation |
10% |
Assignments, draft proposals, papers, presentations |
20% |
30% |
30% |
10% |
In the context of this class, plagiarism is defined as representing someone else's work as your own. Cheating is defined as violating stated rules for an exam or an assignment. Plagiarized work will receive a grade of 0 as will any assignment in which cheating occurred. Both plagiarism and cheating will be reported to the university. (Also see student handbook and college catalogue for more details)