Lab 8: Animation Production
IDS252: 3D Animation, Spring 2018

Due dates are given in the gantt chart


The goal of this lab is for you to collaborate with 2-3 other classmates to write and produce a complete 1 minute animation based on the stories developed in Lab 7. You will also be collaborating with several students in a music class taught by Professor Mike Nord. Good communication with your group members and with the muscians is very important.

Schedule, Due Dates, and Grading

Process (Check Gantt Chart for due dates)

Group Organization

In addition to assigning people to the various tasks (story, lighting, shading, etc. ), each group should have a:

Project Organization

As you know, keeping the group's Lab 8 folder organized is important. For example, it is strongly recommended that you have separate top level folders for the 1) story (text, boards, and reel), 2) concept & reference, 3) the Maya Project, 3) the Editor (e.g. for finished images and Adobe Premiere), and 4) a LatestQuicktime (e.g. for musicians). :

It is best if there is only one Maya Project on cs-render for the entire group. If students need to work on their own machines, it may be necessary to copy over a temporary version of the Maya project to their own machines. In such cases, please be sure that the edited files are copied back to the project folder on cs-render. Version control can be a challenge.

Status Reports

The instructor relies, in part, on the status reports to evaluate what each student in the group did. Status reports should be completed every Friday, starting on Mar 16 and continuing through April 27 (see gantt chart).

Final Deliverables

Due Date: All of the items below should be completed by the presentations on Saturday, May 5, 2-5pm:

Group Reflections: In preparation for the final presentation, each group should write a document addressing the items below. The group presentation will be a summary of this document. An electronic copy should be placed on cs-render in the group folder in a file named GroupReflections_GroupName.docx.

  1. What did each individual do (be as specific as you can).
  2. Discuss the collaborative process both within the animation group, and between animators and musicians.
  3. Discuss the thinking behind the esthetic choices that were made. Why did you choose what you did? Were changes made along the way, and why?
  4. Discuss both the main challenges and successes (technical, esthetic, collaborative, etc).
  5. What were the lessons learned? Come up with at least 3 things that you would do differently next time, and 3 things you would do the same (i.e. what worked really well).

Group Presentation: The final presentations are May 5, 2-5pm. The PowerPoint slides prepared for the presentation should be placed on cs-render in the group folder in a file named Presentation_GroupName.pptx.

Individual Evaluation: Each individual has the option of turning in a personal evaluation of what they felt each person in their group contributed, including themselves, (this will be kept completely confidential). Please email this to gorr. Place "Individual Evaluation for Your_Group_Name" in the subject line.

Group Data: The group folder on cs-render should contain the following:

  1. All of the files related to the creation of the animation (story, storyreel, references, animatics, Maya, image maps, audio, final image files etc, etc).
  2. The final rendered animations (with the credits and soundtrack). Note, each group should have a version for each of their musicians with the correct music credits!! These should be at least HD720 (or larger) in size.
  3. The group collaboration form (story, task list, shot list, downloaded model list)
  4. The group reflections.
  5. The powerpoint presentation slides.

Clean-up: Make a back-up copy (somewhere other than on cs-render) of your entire group folder, and then please delete from your group folder on cs-render all but the final files that were used. That is, remove back-up folders, back-up or old maya files, and all but the final image (e.g. png or tiff) and quicktime files.

It is recommended that each person in the group make copies of the animations (and possibly project) for their own records.