- Monday (Feb 26) during lab, we will meet with MUSC 121 in Ford 122 (Theater) to
review work from both
Be prepared to answer: Music/Anim Crit Questions.
- On Wed: Review review your storyboards, shot list and task list for Lab 6
- On Friday:
- Looking ahead at Lab 8: gantt chart
Lab 6 Comments and Lessons Learned from previous student work:
- Make sure your storyboards and collaboration form are in your MayaProjects folder.
- Use multiple Maya scene files - don't put the entire animation in one big Maya file. Break it up into shots/scenes.
- Use file referencing and not importing! Exceptions may be for the characters if they don't reference well.
- Organize your project scenes folder better if there are a lot of scene files, e.g. make a subfolder for the shots and a separate subfolder for
files which are referenced.
- Name your shot/scene files in a way that makes it clear of their order, e.g, shot1_opening.mb, shot2_charsMeet.mb, etc
- Create environment_x.mb file which contains everything that is the same for multiple shots. For example, if a room, chairs and table are in multiple shots, the environment file would contain the room with chairs and table in the appropriate relation to one another. This is the file which would then be referenced into the separate shots.
The objects such as the chairs, table, etc could be referenced or imported into the environment file (sometimes multiple levels of referencing causes problems).
When writing your story, remember you should always "show rather than tell". See lab for more details.
Beware of clichés when developing your stories:
- What is a cliché?: A story plot that has been done so many times that it is predictable.
- Websters: a cliché is something that is so commonly used in books, stories, etc., that it is no longer effective
- Yahoo:
- Basically any story could be called cliché because every plot has been done by someone at
some point in time. Truly original stories are not seen very often, but cliché is not always bad. Just because the story is cliché does not mean that it cannot be well written and interesting.
- As for having an overall cliché story this can be avoided
by putting in unexpected twists in your plot. Sometime people make fun of clichés and stereotypes in stories, and they write in spoof and satire.
This can be done by exaggerating clichés so much that it becomes absurd and ridiculous.
Don't forget staging, composition, focus, lighting, continuity...!
Animated shorts: