Due Dates:
Have your storyboards and Collaboration Form reviewed by instructor before beginning your animation.
Fri: Mar 2, Animation is due before the beginning of class. Also place your collaboration form
and storyboards in the MayaProjects folder.
Evaluation Sheet (pdf)
The goals of this lab are to:
The only required online tutorial is on File Referencing, but this one is VERY important. You only need to do the beginning part up to, but not including, the part on proxies. It is not very long. Copy the entire FileReferencing folder which can be found on cs-render in the folder:
Note, the files graveyard.mb, zombiePlain.mb, and zombeShuffle.mb will not show any textures because, if you look in these files, you will see that the path names for the texture images are absolute paths and not relative paths (relative to the project folder). The absolute paths won't work for you because the paths are for whoever created the tutorial files.Set the project to the folder FileReferencing. Open up the graveyardMod.mb scene file. If the textures do not appear, you may not have set the project before opening the scene file. Note, you do not actually need to render anything but if you want to, and if you have rendering problems, consider using Maya Software rather than MentalRay.Instead, use the files ending with "Mod" (e.g. graveyardMod.mb) because these have been corrected to use relative paths. Take a moment to open both sets of files and look at the texture paths to make sure you understand the problem. This is a common problem and can cause a lot of headaches especially if you are copying your project folder to different places (or if you want to use the renderfarm).
When you create references, you also want to be sure to use relative path names, especially if you plan to use the renderfarm.
In Maya, go to Help → Tutorials → Maya Tutorials. Click on the link Getting Started with Maya 2015. In the contents, click on Getting Started with Maya, and then File Referencing and do Lesson 1: Using file references. Do not do the entire tutorial - only do up to, but not including, the part on proxies.
The above tutorial will not be collected.
You are encouraged to try out the Render Farm. It is best to try it first during lab time when you can ask for help.
Pick a Partner: In this lab you will work with one other person. A goal of the lab is to learn how to work with other people; working alone on this lab is not an option.
Folders: On cs-render, in folder \IDS252Sp18\Lab6\MayaProjects, create a folder whose name is derived from both partners' names, e.g. using last names. Place your Maya project and editing subfolders in this folder. There should be only one Maya project - it will contain the maya scene files for both partners.
Also create a folder in \IDS252Sp18\Lab6\FinalAnimations with the same name you used for the folder in MayaProjects. When you have completed the lab, please copy your animation over to this folder. Name your quicktime animation file based on the names of both partners AND the initials of the musician(s). Also place your final colaboration form and storyboards in this folder. These will be described below.
Foley: The animation should contain two or more foley sounds. A variety of foley sounds are available in the folder \IDS252Sp18\Lab6\FOLEY. You may use any of the sounds.
The Animation: The animation should be a brief scenario lasting 15-20 seconds with 1 or 2 characters. Use the foley sound to direct what the scene is about. Listen to the sounds you have been chosen and brainstorm ideas about what these sounds represent. Keep the scenerio simple. It is better to have high quality animation that is simple and expressive than to have a complex but awkward animation. The focus should be on gesture and sound.
Characters: The characters should be chosen from the rigged characters: Bloke, Bony, or Andy. It is suggested that you do not use Moom since his textures are problematic with MentalRay.
Andy (short for “androgynous”) is a character you haven't seen so far. The rig has the advantage that one can select different parameters to give the appearance of a girl/boy/man/woman, for example:
If you use Andy, you can find the files on cs-render in the folder \IDS252Sp18\IDS252Resources\Rigs\AndyFiles. Note, you need to copy the Andy scene file (andyRigv1.4.6.ma) into your own project's scenes folder and you need to copy all of the files/folder in the sourceimages files into your own project's sourceimages folder. If you don't see the textures when you open the scene file, it is because you either placed the sourceimages in the wrong place or you did not first set the project.
If you plan on having more than one character in your scene, make sure they are distinguishable either by using a different rigged character or by changing the appearance of one of them. For example, if you have 2 blokes, you can change the color or give one of them a hat.
Environment: The environment should be minimal, e.g. containing only a few objects (if any) other than the characters themselves. Any objects that do appear should be there for a reason, i.e. they should play a part in the interaction or in setting the mood or scene. Shading and texturing can be minimal, however, do pay attention to lighting and to a choice of color scheme.
Camera: It is recommended that you use only a few stationary cameras with simple cuts as the transitions. Pay attention to continuity between cuts. It isn't necessary, but to manage the cameras, you may optionally want to use Maya's camera sequencer and ubercam .
Storyboarding: Once you and your partner have decided on a scenerio, do the following:
Division of Labor:
The Collaboration Form is your contract with your partner. It identifies who will be doing what. By writing it out, you will avoid a lot of potential conflict and finger pointing down the road (believe me):
Once you have decided the shot break down and who will do what, fill in the Shot List contained in your Collaboration Form. Be sure to fill out all columns of the form. The content may be modified as you go but it is important to have a starting point. If you do make changes, it is important that you update this form (make a new version rather than deleting the original).
Project Setup:
Once all of the above has been completed, you can now get started in Maya.
Loading Music into Maya:
In Maya, open up the preferences. In the Time Slider section, check the timecode box. This will allow you to see in the time slider both the # of frames and the associated time:
Jot down your Foley sound's offset (time or # of frames) as it appears in Maya's timeline. Use this time to align the audio in Adobe Premiere. Note, in Adobe Premiere, it is probably easiest to set the timeslider to use frames rather than time. However, if you use time, the units are hours, minutes, seconds, and frames. For example, if you are using 30 fps, the time of 00;00;02;8 corresponds to 2 seconds (i.e. 60 frames) plus 8 frames or, in other words, a total of 68 frames or 2.267 seconds.
Before beginning to animate, have the instructor review your storyboards and your completed Lab 6 Collaboration Form containing the story description, shot list, and task list.
On Friday Mar 2, place the following items on cs-render: