Monday - Review how to use the renderfarm. Directions (a bit outdated) are
given here. Note, jobs may be submitted from inside
Maya or from outside. No matter what, however, your project must be on enfuzion.
- On Wednesday during class:
- We will meet with music students during class time to look at the
animation and music pieces.
- Location: Our normal classroom
- Before class, please make sure that you have placed your 10 second animation with
music on \\home\enfuzion
in the folder IDS252Fa07\Lab4\FINAL_ANIMATIONS.
- Use your last name as the name of the file.
- Please be prepared to discuss the questions listed
Introduce Lab 5: Rendering, Lights, and Shading.
Materials, Shading, and Rendering
- Lambert, Blinn, phong
- Maps
- Bump Mapping
- Rendering Methods
- Scanline - Fastest approach. Each polygon is projected point by point onto the view screen.
A zbuffer is generally used to deal with objects that obscure other objects.
Can't do reflection or refraction except as a hack. Can do shadows.
- Ray Tracing:
Much slower than scanline but produces much more realistic lighting. Best for highly reflective
(as opposed to diffuse) surfaces. Does much better job on shadows than scanline.
- Radiosity: A more advanced type of rendering that is good for diffuse surfaces.
It is available in the mental-ray renderer in Maya but is tricky to use (so don't use it).
- Reflections and transparency
- Anti-aliasing, Hypergraph