Due Date: Tuesday Sept 15, at the beginning of class.
Remember: Once your project is created, then every time you open Maya, you will need to set the project File;Project;Set .... Once the project is set, you may open your scene. This will insure that files are saved to the correct place.
Importing Objects: At this point, you should have several Maya scenes (i.e. .mb files) from labs 1 and 2. Each scene file contains a different object such as a temple, helmet, glass, saltshaker, hand. Before you continue, it is a good idea to go back to these scenes and "clean things up" as follows:
Cleaning Things Up:
Once the objects in the individual scenes are cleaned up, you can now combine these objects into one scene as follows. Set the project to Lab2project. Create a new scene and save it (e.g. call it composition), and then go to the main menu in Maya and choose File; Import.... Select one of your previous scenes to import . The object should appear in this new scene. Repeat to import several more objects. You will need to translate the different objects so they aren't on top of one another.
You are to turn in through WISE, the following images.
You will be graded both on technical skill and on composition.
The score will on a scale of 0 to 10 depending on its completeness and likeness to the expected result where
0=nothing turned in
9=solid, everything was done
10=exceptional work
Note that late assignments will be penalized: 20% up to 1 week late, 50% more than one week late.