Lab 3: Conveying Mood and Emotion using Lighting, Shading & Camera
IDS252: 3D Animation, Fall 2009

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Due Date: Tuesday Sept 22, 9am



  1. For this lab, you will do your work, as before, on your H drive. The final images will be turned in via WISE. Make sure that the names of the files you copy into this folder include your initials or login name. DO NOT INCLUDE THE "EMOTION WORD" IN THE NAME OF THE FILE. At the critique, the class will try to identify the emotion from the image alone.

    Note, in lab 4 we will do an exchange with the musicians. They will take your images and give you sound files. If you turn in your work late, your images will not have the sound layer added by the musicians. This layering of image and sound is a very important part of this lab!

  2. Tutorials The files you will need for this lab can be downloaded here or through WISE. Save this file ( to your H-drive and extract (unzip) it to produce a folder called Rendering. Open up Maya and set the Project to be this Rendering folder. In Maya, go to the tutorials on Rendering (under Learning Resources;Getting Started with Maya;Rendering) and work through lessons 1-3. Note, these lessons will not be collected.

  3. Expressing Mood: The goal of this portion of the assignment is to use materials, lighting and camera to convey specific moods.


    Suggestions for the scene:


Render your 2 images as a high quality 640x480 jpg image file. Submit them via WISE. Be sure that the file name contains your initials or login name but do not include the emotion word that you were given.

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