Lab 2: Introduction to Modeling
IDS252: 3D Animation, Spring 2009

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Due Date: Feb 1, at the beginning of class. Note, Prof Orr will be out of town. However, Matt Wolpa will coordinate the critique.



  1. Making a Project: For the lessons below, create a single project (e.g. called Lab2Project) in your ids252 folder on your H drive. All of the scenes you create for this lab should be saved into this project. Recall, to create a project, open Maya and go to File;Project;New .... Enter the name and location of your project. For now, leave all other fields blank.

    Remember: It is recommended that every time you open Maya, you set the project File;Project;Set .... This will insure that files are saved to the correct place.

  2. Modeling: In the Maya Help, go to Learning Resources->Tutorials->Getting Started with Maya. Do the following lessons:
  3. Rendered Image: For each object (glass, saltshaker, hand), render a 640x480 jpeg image and copy over to the folder called
    on enfuzion. Name the image files as you did in lab 1.
  4. Importing Objects: At this point, you should have several Maya scenes (i.e. .mb files) from labs 1 and 2. Each scene file contains a different object such as a temple, helmet, glass, saltshaker, hand. Copy the scenes (temple and helmet) from lab 1 over into the lab 2 project folder. Before you continue, prepare the objects in the scene files as follows:

    Cleaning Things Up:

    Importing: Once the objects in the individual scenes are cleaned up, you can now combine these objects into one scene as follows.

  5. Composition: In the scene you just created, arrange/duplicate/scale/etc the different objects in a way that tells a story or makes the viewer curious. Assign simple colors to objects, DO NOT USE FIRE OR OTHER SPECIAL EFFECTS THAT YOU DISCOVER IN MAYA). Be prepared to discuss these questions in the class critique.


Copy your four images (glass, salt shaker, hand, and composition) into the folder on enfuzion: ids252Sp11/lab2/your_name .

Score: This lab will be graded based on a maximum of 10 points as follows.

  1. (4 pts) Completion of the glass, salt shaker, and hand (complete the hand as much as you can.)
  2. (4 pts) One composition as described above. This image is the most important part of this lab.
  3. (2 pts) Participation in the critique on Tues Feb 1.

Class critique: On Tuesday Feb 1, you are to divide into groups of size 3-4. Each group will discuss the compositions of the members in the group. Based on this discussion, each person in the group will be responsible for answering these questions for someone else's composition in the group (but not themselves or the person evaluating their own work). This should be completed in class and turned in to Matt.

Note that late assignments will be penalized.

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