Lab 5: Lighting, Shading, and Sound
IDS252: 3D Animation, Spring 2011

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Due Date: Tuesday Feb 22, before class.


The main goal of this lab is to use lighting and shading to enhance an emotional reaction to a Foley sound. Foley sounds are the sounds that are generated by something in the environment, e.g. footsteps, water running, a breaking glass, etc. You are to create either a still image or a simple animation corresponding to the sound.

The technical goals are:


  1. Files and Folders:
  2. Tutorials: In Maya, go to Learning Resources, Tutorials, Getting Started with Maya, and finally within that go to Rendering. Work through the lessons 1-4. Some of this will be a review. The files you will need for this lab can be found on enfuzion in the folder \ids252Sp11\Resources\GettingStarted\Rendering. Copy the entire Rendering folder over into your Workspace folder. Open up Maya and set the Project to be this Rendering folder. Note, these lessons will not be collected.

  3. Requirements: Below, you are assigned a short foley sound. The requirements of the lab are as follows:

    1. You must use the sound you are assigned below. The sound is to be played only once in the animation.
    2. Optional: You may use one additional sound if you wish. It is recommended that the two sounds do not overlap.
    3. Listen to your sound and decide what simple event might have generated that sound and what emotional state you want the sound to provoke. Note, a given sound could provoke any number of different emotions depending on your scene, e.g. one reacts differently to a gunshot if it is during a robbery as opposed to a hunting party.
    4. Create either a still image or a simple animation that corresponds to the sound and the mood. If you do an animation, do not add extraneous actions that aren't directly related to the sound. The animation could be as simple as just moving the camera.
    5. Lights/Shading: The most important focus of this lab is the lighting and shading. Select the lighting and shading that 1) is somewhat realistic and 2) reinforces the mood or emotion resulting from the sound and scene.
    6. Length: Your animation must be at least the length of the sound. However, you may make the animation longer if you wish. Note: even if you create a still image rather than an animation, you will still need to create a quicktime movie in Adobe Premiere because the sound is time based.
    7. Camera: It is recommended that you use only one camera (create a shotCam) that either does not move or moves slowly and simply. Make a deliberate decision about the location of the camera. Where you place your camera and how you frame the image, dramatically affects the meaning of the scene.
    8. Bloke: Use bloke if you wish.
  4. Sound Assignments: You will find sounds in the folder \ids252Sp11\lab5\FoleySounds. Below are the assignments:

    Jose BH_SVT40.aif Qiana CRWJ_ASST.aif
    Lucas DD&CCEFX.aif Tim Fj_Machine.aif
    Alex F. NA_lowfreq.aif Andrew RA_Sound1.aif
    Elizabeth TB_Gunshot.aif Dylan TMeffect1.aif
    Daniel K. TMeffect 2.aif Tommi BH_SVT40.aif
    Aaron CRWJ_ASST.aif Chris DD&CCEFX.aif
    Torsten Fj_Machine.aif Alex P. NA_lowfreq.aif
    Jen RA_Sound1.aif Georgia TB_Gunshot.aif
    Daniel W. TMeffect1.aif
  5. Loading Music into Maya:


Before class on Tuesday, Feb 22, place your final animation on \\home\enfuzion in the folder \ids252Sp11\lab5\FinalAnimations. Animations will be graded based on the following:

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